Requests Page

We pray with you!

"To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing." - Martin Luther

If prayer is first and foremost a conversation between you and God, then His promise to always listen may be the answer your heart needs most.

Requests Received

Adam & Diana Nathanson

Prayer for renewal of visas for entrance into Venezuela, for the ongoing Covid health and social issues, and for continued growth of church members and youth in the Gospel of Jesus Christ


Prayer for Juanita as she returns home and continues to recover from hip surgery.


Prayer for Tom and Linda as they patiently wait upon the Lord for wisdom and timing for the necessary transplant.

Requests Received


Prayer for Bob as he adjusts to his new living situation and the continued separation from friends during this time.


Prayer for Phinn and Mark as they continue to navigate their decisions about the future.


Prayer for continued strength and encouragement for Bob & Mary